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Ocean Policies

Ocean policies

There are a series of voices calling for important discussions on

marine pollution related to waste plastics. 
At the G20 summit in Osaka, Japan, in June 2019, the "Osaka Blue Ocean Vision" was adopted to reduce environmental pollution caused by plastic waste to "zero" levels by 2050. As such, countries around the world are working to reduce waste plastic.


To this end, we will find out what policies are being implemented at home and abroad.



Making Environmental Pollution

From Plastic Waste 'Zero' By 2050

2019 G20 in JAPAN

1st Basic Plan for Management of Marine Waste and Marine Pollution Deposits (2021-2030)

- the introduction of a deposit system for fishing gear and buoys

- Building the Foundation for the Storage and Management of Carbon Dioxide Streams in the Ocean

Action Plan for Countermeasures against Marine Plastic Waste

- Development of marine biodegradable plastics, paper, etc. with less environmental impact

- 3R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) + Renewable: Plastic Recycling


「SOS 2.0」(Save Our Seas 2.0 Act)

- The Marine Debris Response Trust Fund was created to allow NOAA to use this fund to respond

   in the event of a serious marine waste situation

- UNEP, ASEANASEAN, APEC, G7, G20, OECD, etc. will make efforts to ensure that agreements, agreements, and

  decisions are in line with the direction of solving the U.S. marine waste problem

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EPR : Extended Producer Responsibility

- Ban on the use of disposable plastic plates, straws, balloon rods, cotton rods, spoons, etc. in the region from 2021

- Prohibition of oxidatively decomposable plastics, foamed polystyrene (EPS) packaging materials, etc

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